
Content Highlight of the Week: Phonebloks


Phonebloks are making the complex suddenly simple.  An idea brilliant in its simplicity and scale of ambition – as you would expect from a thought that started in the mind of bloke called Dave in the Netherlands, is now being backed by Google-owned Motorola and is fast becoming a branded movement.

Many brands are trying to adopt movements to generate authenticity and customer love, but Phonebloks is a genuine movement and can only thrive if people support the movement.

That authenticity and simplicity rings out in its content.  Their website has minimal text and is anchored on two videos.  These videos demonstrate the art of good story-telling. You are taken on the journey by them from independent movement, to hooking up with big corporation, to maintaining independence in under 6 minutes.

They’ve told their story beautifully and have recognised the power of video in the telling, without the need for extra lengthy explanations.

It’s charmingly simple.  It feels like a website designed around video content rather than being a bolt on to an existing text heavy site.  A sign of the new make-up of websites?

Visit Phonebloks.