09/11/17 Why now, more than ever, we need to “Keep Media Good” The first unwritten rule of blogging etiquette for a creative agency is to mention your own work only in passing, or not at all. But on this occasion I’m going to indulge in a post that’s wholly focused on a new campaign that we have had the privilege of contributing to, not to brag about the work itself but to promote the importance of the cause.
27/07/17 Marketing the ‘Billion Dollar Fight’ It appears that a team of marketing geniuses have just cooked up the most hyperbolic fight in the history of combat sports.
14/06/17 7 More Things Non-Media Brands Can Learn from Entertainment Marketing Inspiration from last week’s PromaxBDA North America conference.
13/06/17 Let’s get personal: The power of recommendation from ‘friends we have never met’ has more influence than ever Published by The Drum Network In the olden days you used to go to an actual travel agent, sit down on a plastic padded chair and chat to a total stranger in a branded polyester uniform for maybe an hour.
21/06/16 Using the power of live video to get social reach In a world of content overload, how can you ensure your video is getting seen by the right people?